- Welcome / History
- Sites 11-22
- 12. Zuncker House 2312 N Kedzie
- 13. Kreuter House 2302 N Kedzie
- 14. Gainer House 2228 N Kedzie
- 15. Lost Houses of Lyndale
- 16. Beth-El / Boys & Girls Club
- 17. Madson House 3080 Palmer
- 18. Erickson House 3071 Palmer
- 19. Lost Schwinn Mansion
- 20. Corydon House 2048 Humboldt
- 21. Symonds House 2040 Humboldt
- 22.Painted Ladies-1820 Humboldt
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Lost Schwinn Mansion
Year of construction …............... 1905
Original cost to build .......… Unknown
Architect ….. Frederick E. Gatterdam
Original owner … Ignaz and Helen Schwinn
Occupation ….. Bicycle ManufacturerIgnaz & Helen Schwinn Mansion - 2128 W. Palmer Square
This large house on Palmer Square was torn down in 1955. Known locally as the “Schwinn Mansion,” the greystone house sat on the east side of a large property extending from Humboldt Boulevard to Whipple Street. The house was built for Ignaz and Helen Schwinn, of Arnold, Schwinn & Co., the largest bicycle manufacturer in the U.S.
Photographs of the 15-room Schwinn mansion show a rectangular building with a pyramidal tile roof and a prominent, round three-story tower with a conical roof. The house was faced with Bedford limestone, rugged at the base and smooth above. Horizontal string courses broke up the bulk of the tower, and two asymmetrical bay windows provided views of Palmer Square from each floor of the north wall of the house. A colonnaded porch and scrollwork stair to the front door faced east onto Humboldt Boulevard.
Behind the mansion to the southwest stood a 1½-story brick automobile garage with a footprint nearly half the size of the mansion. A 25-foot-wide greenhouse was attached to the garage. Legend has it that Ignaz installed a turntable so that the motorcars would not need to back out toward Humboldt Boulevard. Every morning, Ignaz woke early and made the 2-mile drive to be the first to arrive at his factory at Lawndale Avenue and Cortland Street.Schwinn Mansion
Ignaz Schwinn & Bicycling
Ignaz Schwinn was born in 1860 in a small town in central Germany. His father died when he was 11, and Ignaz went to work to support his mother and younger siblings. In Frankfurt, he found work in the machine shops making high-wheel bicycles, which were all the rage in the 1880s. Schwinn rose through the ranks and in his after-hours drew his own designs for bicycles with two equal-sized wheels — a new design closer to the that of the modern bike known as the “safety” in England, where they were first produced. His ideas were not initially accepted by local manufacturers, but at age 29 he was hired by Heinrich Kleyer to design a factory and production line which produced some of the first safety bicycles in Germany.
Ignaz was a headstrong young man, and soon found himself in disagreement with Kleyer over the best design of a coaster brake. Within a year, he left Germany for Chicago with his wife, Helen, and a dream of running his own factory. At the time, Chicago was home to dozens of bicycle manufacturers and the center of the America’s fast-growing bicycle industry. The design innovations of the new safety bicycle — pneumatic tires, a chain drive, improved brakes, and assembly-line manufacturing — lowered the bicycle’s price and broadened its appeal to a wider audience. Sales boomed as the bicycle brought a transportation revolution and new independence for women, young people, and casual cyclists.
In the late 1880s, cycling clubs established a course for competitive bike races starting at North Avenue and Humboldt Boulevard, up to and around Palmer Square six times and back again to total five miles. By the mid-1890s, organized races were scheduled almost every summer weekend, and thousands of spectators came out to watch the “scorchers” set new speed records circling Palmer Square, which at that time had few houses built around it.
Palmer Square
Ignatz Schwinn in 1922
After several years of working for other firms, Ignaz Schwinn partnered with meatpacker and investor Adolph Arnold in 1895 to start his own bicycle factory. Four years later, the company purchased the March-Davis cycle factory at 1856 North Kostner Avenue and moved its operation from downtown to the Hermosa neighborhood. Ignaz and Helen Schwinn and their young children moved into a greystone three-flat at 3115 West Fullerton Avenue the following year.
By the time the Schwinns hired architect Frederick Gatterdam to build the mansion, the amateur cycle races circling the square had moved on to professional velodromes such as the one in Garfield Park. Interest in cycling crashed nearly as quickly as it had blossomed, and tastemakers moved on to the new hobby of automobiling. While many bicycle manufacturers went bankrupt, Schwinn survived with diminished sales.
Schwinn’s Architect
Architect Frederick E. Gatterdam was also a German-American immigrant, four years younger than Ignaz Schwinn. He had arrived in Chicago as a teenager and found work as a draftsman before hanging his own shingle as an architect by age 27. He formed a short-lived partnership with architect William Krieg in the 1890s, then worked on his own again. In 1909, Gatterdam built a six-flat at 2555-2557 West Logan Boulevard where he lived with his wife, Margaret, and their four children. In the 1910s, he worked on a number of houses and storefront buildings in Logan Square with builder and neighbor Olaf Egeland, and became known as an architect of breweries later in his career.
Two years after his mansion was completed in 1905, Ignaz Schwinn again hired Gatterdam to design a large apartment building on an empty lot across the street on the east side of Palmer Square. The stone-fronted Shakespeare Apartments stretch over 150 feet along Humboldt Boulevard and Shakespeare Avenue and included 30 large six- to eight-room units. Some Schwinn employees may have lived in the building, but the 1910 and 1920s U.S. Censuses list the majority of tenants as being office clerks and small business owners working in other industries.
Bicycles to Motorcycles to Bicycles
In 1911, Schwinn purchased a business from Frederick Robie (of the well-known house in Hyde Park) and renamed it the Excelsior Motor Manufacturing & Supply Company. Excelsior produced motorcycles, and the Schwinn company committed to this new market a few years later by building the world’s largest motorcycle factory, which stretched along Lawndale from Cortland to the Bloomingdale Avenue freight line.
The 1929 stock market crash wiped out much of Ignaz Schwinn’s wealth and investments. Excelsior ceased production in 1931, and the 71-year-old Ignaz gradually relinquished control of the company to his son, Frank. Frank Schwinn refocused the company on bicycles and in 1933 released the first sturdily-built, balloon-tire chrome cruisers, which would become best-sellers for decades and revitalize the lagging bike industry.
Mansion to School
Local bike dealer Oscar Wastyn Jr. recalled seeing the retired Ignaz napping on the front porch of his mansion during the 1940s. He passed away at home in 1948 at age 88.
Ignatz Schwinn in 1945
In 1955, Frank and his wife, Gertrude, who was active at nearby St. Sylvester Catholic Church, donated the house and property to the parish. In March of that year, the parish received approval from the city zoning board of appeals to build a new school building on the site 16 feet from the property line, rather than the 30 feet required in a residential zone. The dining hall of the new school was named in honor of the Schwinn family and their now-lost mansion.

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